Saturday, June 23, 2012

100 Pitches

On Thursday (the day after the solstice) after work I went up to Cochrane lane packed into a car of 5. I lead my 100th pitch of the year and also managed to score a ride up Pink Panther with Dom. It's been at least 5 years since I was on this line and it wasn't as hard as I remember it being. Dom showed me some good gear and beta through the crux. It's very approachable... really a few move wonder... and it's a pretty rad line.
Liam leading through the Pink Panther crux. Or is he?
Top-rope revealed.
We also watched Aaron work on Inhuman Eraser... making excellent progress. Just don't try to talk to him while he's leading hard stuff.

"Ahh sh*t... I just 'effed myself" - Aaron

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